Utility coordination is a vital part of the survey and design process. Projects can be delayed for any number of reasons over their life cycle. We’ve found focusing on utility coordination helps manage delays that arise from utility conflicts. Starting early, communicating openly, and determining the true location of utilities are the keys to keeping projects moving.

We start right away in an effort to gather an accurate picture of where they are located. This process can take time, so we work efficiently to obtain accurate information. Our experienced team is skilled at identifying utilities in a project area and determining whether or not they should be moved. Through our work, we have found utility coordination is the cornerstone to a great design and can translate to overall project cost-savings. Using a clear, open communication style, we discuss design issues, ideas, concerns, and potential problems with each stakeholder throughout the design process.

Affinis’s coordination makes my job easier as well as saving us time and money. Their attention to detail and coordination early on and throughout the project allowed us to relocate our facilities prior to the construction improvements and avoid significant conflicts during construction.

Kirk Culbertson, Engineering Tech II / SAP Business Analyst

Our Nine-Step Approach to Utility Relocation

9 steps to relocate utilities

Utility relocation plays a large role in many of our projects. As a result, we’ve developed a tested process for coordinating with utilities. Here are the nine steps we take each time.


City of Olathe Increases Accessibility Around High School

intersection traffic olathe

The City of Olathe, KS was faced with aging infrastructure at a key intersection near Olathe South High School (OSHS). They needed to replace the existing traffic signal at 151st and Lennox and decided to make the area ADA compliant and add pedestrian crossings at the same time.



Our structural engineering group is invested in protecting communities with reliable infrastructure. With each project, we work to reduce risk and create a resilient structure, protecting our clients’ investments and the surrounding area.


Developing concepts and analyzing alternatives is something we do well. Our traffic engineers are skilled at collecting data and then, using that information to improve capacity and increase safety on our roadways.

Roadway Engineering

Our roadway engineering group moves communities forward. Whether designing residential streets, thoroughfares, or highways, we are focused on improving quality of life, supporting economic development, and increasing safety.


When designing stormwater solutions, we look at the entire site. Our comprehensive approach maximizes budgets and minimizes disruptions to residents, streamlining future improvements.

Construction Engineering

Communication, collaboration, and transparency are the keys to our construction engineering approach. By focusing on forming long-lasting relationships, we are able to anticipate obstacles and find effective solutions for our clients and partners.


Our forward-thinking survey team uses a combination of new technology and proven methods to deliver accurate data to our clients. This allows them to fully capture the existing conditions of a project site and understand which elements should be included in every survey.

How can we make your life easier?
Send us a note or call us today to learn how we can help you.

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