Clare Road to Gleason Road at 81st Terrrace
Stormwater Improvements, Lenexa, Kansas
Affinis was hired by the City of Lenexa to prepare a preliminary engineering study (PES). The city was applying for Stormwater Management Advisory Council (SMAC) funds to alleviate flooding at Clare and Gleason Roads and an adjacent home. During the PES, several issues were uncovered that contributed to the drainage problems, including undersized culverts and a channel constriction downstream. Our recommended improvements for the drainage issues on Gleason Road included upsizing the existing culvert, regrading of the stream, and stabilizing the stream banks using a riprap revetment. Our water resource engineers designed the improvements that included replacing the existing culvert with a 12×8-foot reinforced box culvert and raising the roadway profile to prevent floodwaters from overtopping Clare Road.