Affinis Construction Engineering Project Update
Posted on Wednesday, May 26th, 2021 by Affinis CorpIn Our Communities, tagged in

The Affinis construction engineering group has been on site overseeing a variety of projects in the metro area. Throughout the year, we work with municipalities and states to produce completed projects that meet their goals. Below, you’ll find brief descriptions of our current work, along with progress photos.
167th Street
We are currently overseeing the City of Overland Park’s 167th Street Bridges over Coffee Creek and Tributary project. A part of the CARS Program, this effort involves the construction of three bridges, roadway improvements, and trail improvements that will connect Switzer to Quivira at 167th Street. It is well underway as you can see here.
For the City of Olathe’s Lindenwood/Brougham project, we are inspecting the earthwork and drainage structures. These will be used to create a dam, which will allow for future development. Currently, this effort is in the early stages. Crews are on site grading and excavating. You can see their progress below.
N. Brighton
The City of Kansas City, Missouri has asked our team to oversee excavation, as well as the installation of storm sewer pipe and curb inlets for N. Brighton. Currently in the second part of the three-phase project, the effort also involves building roadway subgrade through cuts and fills of soil material on the jobsite. Below, you’ll find recent photos of the site.